The AI chat with zero data exposure

Privatemode provides you with a powerful AI assistant, while keeping your data truly private.

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Your data never leaves your control.

Privatemode is the first AI chat service that encrypts your prompts directly on your device and ensures that it stays protected during processing. Your data remains private—never stored, remembered, or used for training.

The familiar chat interface
combined with unmatched privacy.

Supported operating systems
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Why a native app is essential for your privacy.

Privatemode is exclusively available as native app for Mac and Windows (mobile versions are coming soon).

A native app is essential for delivering Privatemode’s unparalleled privacy and security. The app ensures the integrity of the Privatemode service before transmitting any encrypted data. It verifies that the service is protected with confidential computing and running the correct, trusted software. This level of security simply isn’t achievable through a browser.

Screenshot macOS dock

IT administrators:
We speak your language

The installation package for the Privatemode app is well-suited for large-scale enterprise deployments and automated management. It has been successfully rolled out to within organization with thousands of employees.

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